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Opinion Pub - Community Forums

Opinion Pub

A place to discuss various topics in a civilized and respectful manner.

A fediverse-enabled forum and social media community.


Political & Economic Systems

A place to discuss topics like capitalism, socialism, corporatism, and other isms.


Policy & Legislation

Creating better policies by coming up with solutions together.


Conflicts & Military

World conflicts that involve the military, peace keeping forces, and insurgents.


U.S. Politics

A place to discuss politics in a civilized and respectful manner.


World Politics

A place to discuss politics in a civilized and respectful manner.


Civil & Human Rights

Discussions about protecting people's rights.


Society, Politics, & Philosophy

Discussions about broader philosophical aspects of politics and society.


Environment & Habitat

Nature, the environment, conservation, and the habitat.


Support Forum

For support and questions regarding this website and community.

Fediverse Discussions

This forum is connected to the fediverse, which allows you to use your existing fediverse account to participate on the forums. 

This means if you already have an account on Mastodon, Bluesky, Threads, Hubzilla, Pixelfed, and other similar platforms, you can follow our forums and reply to new topics. If you want to start a new topic, send a direct message (DM) to the forum. 

Free Membership Required

To participate in this forum, you must join the forum. To join the forum, on most platforms, you simply follow the forum. Once you follow the forum, the forum will follow you back, and you can participate in the forum.